
Deviant was my bondage and fetish club which ran for 12 years in Bristol I was often told that it wouldn't work because it was a weekly club rather than a monthly club. As far as I'm aware Deviant was the first fetish club that didn't impose a dress code.That got a lot of complaints from guys who have a lot of kit and nowhere to wear it locally. So I started another club HARD and the visitors to that club helped to make the club live up to its name..

One of our visitors was Sam who used to come from London to make videos

Here are some samples of his video work

Let's start with Deviant's dog show which was performed by Rascal training puppy Sqwirm

Deviant's Dog Show
Sqwirm one
Sqwirm two
Sqwirm three
Sqwirm four
Sqwirm five
Sqwirm Six




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