
In the sun with Tim and Waggy

While Great Britain was sweltering in a heat wave, Tim, Waggy and I went to Portugal in search of the sun. How were we to know the British weather was going to be so good when we booked the trip?

On the day we arrived in Portugal, we'd got to our hotel and the weather changed from being cloudy to a bloody dirty gurt big rain storm, so that wasn't a good start. Fortunately, things got better as the week went on, and Waggy managed to start his own fan club by doing a strip show in the hotel bar. Sorry, but it was all on the spur of the moment, my camera's were in the room, so we didn't get any pictures of that. 5 girls from Glasgow actually took him for a night out in town to celebrate his 21st birthday. I wonder if they were jealous of his diamond engagement ring, so tried to get him drunk to get it from him, but I noticed he still had it the next day. Mind you, both he had Tim had sore heads the next morning, that could have been from all the drink, but more likely, from the noise the girls made whenever they saw him.


In the sun with Tim and Waggy



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